I decided to dump all the CDs into a spare hard drive, and stop bothering on the subject.
Once your older Mac OS X CD or DVD is in your hand, set aside some time with Disk Utility and some blank CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, or, in the case of the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Installation discs for Mac OS X 10.1 Puma and Mac OS 9.2.1, along with a disc with a variety of software for both OS X and classic Mac OS. Topics: Apple, Mac OS CD-ROM Software Library.
There are many hours of work on those disks, it feels like going to the museum. It's great that CDs hold on through time, so far.
But there's a bitter sweet taste with this experience. Trying to preserve data is still shaky. When CD came out, the concept was sold as time perduring. My CDs still hold on, don't know how much longer. I've read recently that some are deteriorating. I can see patterns on some of mine. Pouring their content into a hard drive is a patch, also a way to prune out all the redundant stuff I have, since they were my TimeMachine backups sort of. A few were disaster recovers
Itools for mac key. I was lucky I could still read the CDs format. But a couple of years from now it might be a nightmare.
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Civcity rome for mac. Yes, I also have bakeries, but they never get any flour to bake bread with, because the mill guys are napping. I have empty warehouses, Or sometimes empty granaries, and various people, on various levels, just don't work. They literally just lie down, get up, lie down, get up, over and over until the city starves. Yep, This is not an issue with just not knowing how to play the game. For example, I have four functioning wheat farms, the farmers are bringing wheat to a warehouse, the guys from the mill go, grab the wheat, bring it back to the mill, then take a nap.